11 Apps To Make Your Life Easier
Streamlining your Home Life
As all homeowners well know, running a household of any size can seem like a part time job at best. We have tried and tested some of the best apps out there that makes our home life a little easier. Check out our list of the top 10 must have homeowner apps.
Home Improvement🛠
Minimalism is a trend that has sweeping through the country with people tossing out their old cd albums and that guitar they haven't touched in 2 years. Want to make a little money while "clearing out" your house. Decluttr gives you a place to make some money for the stuff you'd throw in the dumpster.
Meal Kits
I like many have 3 go-to meals that I have been cooking for 20 years! Having watched 2,000 episodes of cooking shows, I wanted to broaden my culinary horizons. I came across Blue Apron after hearing about it on a podcast and couldn't be happier. A rotating, international menu comes to my front once a week with 3 simple 30 minute meals!
Treat Yourself 🍰
Personal Butler (Batman style!)
Perks like having a witty, tuxedo wearing assistant is no longer limited to the likes of Bruce Wayne. Hello Alfred is an app that gives you on demand access to a butler-esque help that runs like picking up dry cleaning, party planning or travel prep. (Disclaimer: Your Alfred helper may not have a British accent nor a tuxedo)